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Axelar query API

This module is a nice-to-have of common queries made into the Axelar network and its services that are abstracted into easy-to-use JavaScript one-liners.

Install the AxelarJS SDK module (AxelarQueryAPI)

Install the AxelarJS SDK:

npm i @axelar-network/axelarjs-sdk

Instantiate the AxelarQueryAPI module:

const sdk = new AxelarQueryAPI({
  environment: "testnet",

Possible queries


This is a useful query for GMP transactions, when invoking callContract or callContractWithToken to get an estimate of the appropriate gas payment to be made to the gas receiver on the source chain.


  • You must ensure the correct gasLimit is used for your gas estimation. The gas limit is equal to the execution gas cost on the destination chain. You can test out GMP calls to find the correct value.
  • The minGasPrice and gasMultipler parameters can be adjusted to enhance execution certainty of cross-chain transactions.
  • L2 chains. For execution of GMP calls where the destination chain is an EVM L2 chain, it is important to note that all L2 chains have an extra cost of posting the executed transaction back to the L1 chain. This estimateGasFee SDK method will aggregate that estimated cost for you. The parameters to call out specifically for L2s are:
    • the gasLimit parameter, which are the actual gas units required to execute the tx on the L2 chain. You can check this empirically by looking at the gas used to execute the AxelarExecutable on the destination chain.
    • the executeData parameter, which is the GMP data to be executed on the L2 destination chain. This is important for OP-stack chains, where the SDK queries a gas oracle contract with this executeData to retrieve the L1 fee, and if the parameter for executeData is not provided, a stub piece of executeData is used.
  • The response to the method gives a single value (in wei) of the total estimated gas required for the cross-chain call. In the GMPParams parameter, there is an option to show a full breakdown of fees instead by specifying true for showDetailedFees. If you do this, you will have to add the individual components of the fees yourself, e.g.
    • (baseFee + executionFeeWithMultiplier) for regular way GMP calls,
    • (baseFee + executionFeeWithMultiplier + l1ExecutionFeeWithMultiplier) for regular way GMP calls to any L2 chains,
    • (baseFee + executionFeeWithMultiplier + expressFee) for GMP Express calls

  interface GMPParams {
    showDetailedFees: boolean;
    transferAmount?: number; // In terms of symbol, not unit denom, e.g. use 1 for 1 axlUSDC, not 1000000
    transferAmountInUnits?: string; // In terms of unit denom, not symbol, e.g. use 1000000 for 1 axlUSDC, not 1
    destinationContractAddress: string;
    sourceContractAddress: string;
    tokenSymbol: string;
  export interface AxelarQueryAPIFeeResponse {
    expressFee: string;
    baseFee: string;
    executionFee: string;
    executionFeeWithMultiplier: string;
    l1ExecutionFeeWithMultiplier: string;
    l1ExecutionFee: string;
    gasMultiplier: number;
    gasLimit: BigNumberish;
    minGasPrice: string;
    apiResponse: any;
    isExpressSupported: boolean;

   * Calculate estimated gas amount to pay for the gas receiver contract.
   * @param sourceChainId Can be of the EvmChain enum or string. If string, should try to generalize to use the CHAINS constants (e.g. CHAINS.MAINNET.ETHEREUM)
   * @param destinationChainId Can be of the EvmChain enum or string. If string, should try to generalize to use the CHAINS constants (e.g. CHAINS.MAINNET.ETHEREUM)
   * @param gasLimit An estimated gas amount required to execute the `execute` or `executeWithToken` function.
   * @param gasMultiplier (Optional) A multiplier used to create a buffer above the calculated gas fee, to account for potential slippage throughout tx execution, e.g. 1.1 = 10% buffer. supports up to 3 decimal places
   * The default value is "auto", which uses the gas multiplier from the fee response
   * @param sourceChainTokenSymbol (Optional) the gas token symbol on the source chain.
   * @param minGasPrice (Optional) A minimum value, in wei, for the gas price on the destination chain that is used to override the estimated gas price if it falls below this specified value.
   * @param executeData (Optional) The data to be executed on the destination chain. It's recommended to specify it if the destination chain is an L2 chain to calculate more accurate gas fee.
   * @param gmpParams (Optional) Additional parameters for GMP transactions, including the ability to see a detailed view of the fee response
   * @returns
  public async estimateGasFee(
    sourceChainId: EvmChain | string,
    destinationChainId: EvmChain | string,
    gasLimit: BigNumberish,
    gasMultiplier: number | "auto" = "auto",
    sourceChainTokenSymbol?: GasToken | string,
    minGasPrice = "0",
    executeData?: `0x${string}`,
    gmpParams?: GMPParams
  ): Promise<string | AxelarQueryAPIFeeResponse>


Given a source chain, destination chain and amount of an asset, this query retrieves the base fee that the network would assess for that transaction.

 * Gets the transfer fee for a given transaction
 * @param sourceChainName
 * @param destinationChainName
 * @param assetDenom
 * @param amountInDenom
 * @returns
public async getTransferFee(
  sourceChainName: string,
  destinationChainName: string,
  assetDenom: string,
  amountInDenom: number
): Promise<TransferFeeResponse>


Given a chain and asset, retrieves the base fee that the network would assess.

 * Gets the fee for a chain and asset
 * @param chainName
 * @param assetDenom
 * @returns
public async getFeeForChainAndAsset(
  chainName: string,
  assetDenom: string
): Promise<FeeInfoResponse>


Get the denom for an asset given its symbol on a chain. For all the assets that Axelar supports natively, the network identifies the asset by a denom, while most EVM chains have a symbol for the asset.

The method below allows you to translate the asset symbol (as identified on an EVM chain) to the underlying denom.

 * @param symbol
 * @param chainName
 * @returns
public async getDenomFromSymbol(symbol: string, chainName: string)

For example, let’s say you have Axelar’s canonical testnet aUSDC. The symbol for this asset on EVM chains is aUSDC, and the denom is uausdc. Sample usage to get denom from symbol:

  const queryConfig: AxelarQueryAPIConfig = {
    environment: Environment.TESTNET
  const api = new AxelarQueryAPI(queryConfig);

  async function main() {
    const denom = await api.getDenomFromSymbol("aUSDC", "moonbeam");
    console.log("denom: ",denom);
    return denom;

  //expected returned result: uausdc


Get the symbol for an asset on a given chain given its denom. For all the assets that Axelar supports natively, the network identifies the asset by a denom, while most EVM chains have a symbol for the asset.

The method below allows you to translate the asset denom to the asset symbol (as identified on an EVM chain).

 * @param denom
 * @param chainName
 * @returns
public async getSymbolFromDenom(denom: string, chainName: string)

For example, let’s say you have Axelar’s canonical testnet aUSDC. The symbol for this asset on EVM chains is aUSDC, and the denom is uausdc. Sample usage to get symbol from denom:

  const queryConfig: AxelarQueryAPIConfig = {
    environment: Environment.TESTNET
  const api = new AxelarQueryAPI(queryConfig);

  async function main() {
    const symbol = await api.getSymbolFromDenom("uausdc", "moonbeam");
    console.log("symbol: ",symbol);
    return symbol;

  //expected returned result: aUSDC
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